This is me, before every single event I attend. But you made me smile, thinking of you having to stand in a dark corner.

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Thanks Fran! I’m glad it’s not just me. X

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Jun 9Liked by Liz Champion

2010: Wearing a shirt and tie to work as it gave me confidence.

2017: Wearing a shirt to work as ties were sooo last century

2024: Wearing a shirt and my pyjama bottoms as on a Zoom call no one can see below your middle.

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Brilliant. I wonder what the next 14 years will bring...

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Jun 9Liked by Liz Champion

A Zoom filter to superimpose work attire on to us automatically. Or smart onesies 👍🏻

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I'm thinking I might go down the shirt and tie route.

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I feel very seen in this post! Seriously, it's amazing how one's wardrobe morphs into mishmash the minute you have an event.

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Thanks Rita. Just leaving the house throws me into chaos these days.

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It’s definitely not just you! Covid has a lot to answer for, and this is just one, and not top importance, I know, but still …

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Thank you. It really does have a lot to answer for.

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